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Changing Views

Alternative views can be selected using the Views Dropdown menu button. The default "All" view is available for selection. The "All" view displays all items present in the Data Table. It's important to note here that the "All" view option can be enabled or disabled (in Designer) by user according to their needs.

To change views:

  1. Press the Views Dropdown menu button.
  2. Select a View from the dropdown menu.
  3. The dropdown menu button's label will change to display the name of the view that is currently in use.

A screenshot demonstrating the All view in the dropdown menu. The all button is highlighted with a red box to show its location. The "All" view has a tick next to it to indicate it is the currently selected view. Additionally, the muse cursor is hovering over this view, so the background of the dropdown button is grey.

In the example above, the "All" view has been selected, because its name appears next to the filter icon. Additionally, the view that is currently selected will have a checkmark icon beside the view name in the dropdown list.